NC 4.40

I need to check if the user has specific Role ID and if it has then do some action...

I found some solution, but it is outdated and doesn't work with NC 4.40.

Can you please help me? I am not good in C# and ASP.NET... I just know some HTML, CSS and JS.

I need smth like this:

@if user role has ID(7) {
       then do smth...

Also, how to add class name to the <body> tag for specific page? For example, if it is product page, then make it like this <body class="product-page">, if it is admin page then make it <body class="admin-page"> and etc..

Please, if you don't want to help, then just skip this topic... Because there are many of those you who pretend to help, but don't help at all... If you want to earn money, then go to special web-sites like I don't believe to developers anymore... I spent my time and some money to some Indian developer, he promissed to do everything, but in reality he couldn't solve any of my needs. Please, such stupid guys, just get lost.

Thanks for help and understanding.