Edit "HomepageText" topic

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2 years ago
I'm making a site in nopcommerce with theme "Default Clean".
Can you explain why if I edit the .cshtml file of the topics "HomepageText", I can only see the changes by opening the topics and not on the home page where it is visible?
I leave attached photos to make the question as clear as possible.
Thanks everyone.

3 Explicative Photos ---> https://www.canva.com/design/DAEov-MKf3I/5x-IKJ_E_Cgugn-dbYYlNw/view?utm_content=DAEov-MKf3I&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton
2 years ago
if you edit topicdetails.cshtml you see change only in topic page and not in other page, homepage in your case.

try edit Presentation/Nop.Web/Views/Home/Index.cshtml
2 years ago
I have reported number bugs to their ticket system to have them fixed.  Their css responded very poorly to things that bootstrap achieves with ease..  I am happy to share with you some of the bugs I have reported.
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