Is there a direct link for the product image on the Admin Side?

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1 year ago
NC 3.90

What I want is just to get direct image link by Product ID.

Something like this:

Or is it somehow possible to get the direct image link if I know only Product ID?

Thank you in advance.
1 year ago
var defaultProductPicture = _pictureService.GetPicturesByProductId(productId, 1).FirstOrDefault();
var pictureThumbnailUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(defaultProductPicture, 75, true);
1 year ago
Yidna wrote:

var pictureThumbnailUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(defaultProductPicture, 75, true);

Do I put it above in code and then how can I give link to image itself?

I mean I need to create links for the images... I know only product IDs...

Like this:
ID 145 —
ID 1165 —
ID 5 —

And so on... Do you have any ideas? :)
1 year ago
Yes put this in the code
pictureThumbnailUrl is the URL link to the image
1 year ago
Yidna wrote:
Yes put this in the code
pictureThumbnailUrl is the URL link to the image

But how to get by ID?
1 year ago
Yidna wrote:
var defaultProductPicture = _pictureService.GetPicturesByProductId(productId, 1).FirstOrDefault();
var pictureThumbnailUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(defaultProductPicture, 75, true);

The first routine uses the productId to get the default picture
the secord routine gets the URL for the default picture
1 year ago
Yidna wrote:
The first routine uses the productId to get the default picture
the secord routine gets the URL for the default picture

Thank you Yidna. I cannot understand how to do it :)
I already know product ids. I don't need to parse them.
I just need to create image link using product IDs.
Like this:

So if I put this code manually, it must show me thumb of the product with id 145...

Can you give me example for .cshtml file, please?
1 year ago
What file are you changing ?
This is some basic code

You would put this up the top

@using Nop.Services.Media

    var productId = 100;
    var pictureService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IPictureService>();
    var defaultProductPicture = pictureService.GetPicturesByProductId(productId, 1).FirstOrDefault();
   if (defaultProductPicture != null)
        var pictureThumbnailUrl = pictureService.GetPictureUrl(defaultProductPicture, 75, true);

Then in the markup use something like

    <img src="@pictureThumbnailUrl" alt="" title="" />
1 year ago
Yidna wrote:
What file are you changing ?

I am trying to improve one plugin by myself and make it to show product image thumb by id...

I have such code above:
@{ Layout = "_AdminLayout.cshtml"; }

And such JS code:
                html += '<td><div id="ProductImage' + rowCount + '"class=""><img src="/product-id-' + $("#ddlProductCode").val() + '/thumb.jpg" class="productImage" /></div></td>';

This JS code creates this:
<td><div id="ProductImage2" class=""><img src="/product-id-145/thumb.jpg" class="productImage"></div></td>
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