nopCommerce 4.50.0 RC is available!

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Hace 2 años
HTML minification does not work ..
Could you check that?
Hace 2 años
Is currently working on a plugin that is using/overriding the OrderProcessingService and have found a minor bug in the SendNotificationsAndSaveNotesAsync method.

This line

var orderPlacedAttachmentFileName = _orderSettings.AttachPdfInvoiceToOrderPlacedEmail ?                 (string.Format(await _localizationService.GetResourceAsync("PDFInvoice.FileName"), order.CustomOrderNumber) + ".pdf") : null;

is using the localized filename "PDFInvoice.FileName" in a string.Format call, but it looks lihe the related resource value is not defined correctly in the LocaleStringResource table for the EN language.

When I search for "pdfinvoice.filename" a get avalue of "order", and  to me it looks like the formating is missing and the value should have been something like this "order-{0}"

I'm working in nop 4.50 RC

Best regards
Klaus E. Frederiksen
Hace 2 años
a.m. wrote:
It'll be released once we fix the following issue (reported one day ago) -

Since this issue has been resolved, has a new date been selected for the 4.50 release?
Hace 2 años
at last! very big thanks @Andrei
Hace 2 años
Big Thanks to Nop Team :)
Hace 2 años
Finally the 4.50.0 version! Thanks to the whole team.
Hace 2 años
super gratz team!!!

Is OfficeOpenXml no longer being used? Looks like the export was completely revamped...Didn't see it in the Release Notes?
Hace 2 años
Hi, dootchie. Previously, for import and export, we used EPPlus. But they changed the licensing model for new versions and we lost the opportunity to update this library, therefore, as part of this ticket, we migrated to ClosedXML. In the release notes, this is labeled as "#5066 Replace EPPlus"

dootchie wrote:
super gratz team!!!

Is OfficeOpenXml no longer being used? Looks like the export was completely revamped...Didn't see it in the Release Notes?
Hace 2 años
Perfect. Thank you so much!!!
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