Stripe Boleto Voucher Payment by nopStation

Stripe Boleto Voucher Payment by nopStation
With stripe boleto vouchers payment, customers complete online purchases in-person at authorized locations like convenience stores.
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Versiones soportadas: 4.50
Creado: marzo 22,2022
Última actualización: marzo 23,2022

Boleto is an official (regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil) payment method in Brazil. To complete a transaction, customers receive a voucher stating the amount to pay for services or goods. Customers then pay the boleto before its expiration date in one of several different methods, including at authorized agencies or banks, ATMs, or online bank portals.


  • Customers don’t need cards or bank accounts
  • Secure cash-based payment method
  • Supports in Brazil
  • Supports BRL as a currency
  • Supports multi-stores