Topic Export-Import by nopStation

Topic Export-Import by nopStation
Topic Export-Import plugin for nopCommerce lets the store owner easily export/import topics straight from the admin panel with a simple click.
Obtenir l'extension Vous serez redirigé vers le site Web du développeur pour télécharger ce plugin
Versions supportées : 4.50
Créée le : septembre 12,2022
Dernière mise à jour : septembre 14,2022

Topic export-import plugin gives your business the ability to export/import topics of your nopCommerce store directly from the admin panel as Excel files and save them locally on your device. This lets you easily create/backups of your site's important data.


  • Import topics from Excel(.xlsx) files
  • Export topics as Excel(.xlsx) file and download them locally
  • Easy to install and configure