HyperNop Contact Store via WhatsApp Plugin will allow customers to contact a specified phone number via WhatsApp in one click. When it comes to e-commerce and online stores, one of the disadvantages is that the customer can’t ask their questions directly from the store owners. This means that if the customer has questions about the store’s products, they either have to use e-mail or use the ticketing systems (if the online store has any). Both of these solutions take a considerable amount of time for both the customer and the store owner therefor the customer might get dishearten from purchasing the product.

By using this plugin the store owner would be able to give their customers an alternative way to ask their questions. This plugin will add a “WhatsApp” logo at the bottom of the store’s page which would scroll up and down with the page itself. If the customer clicks on this logo, depending on the platform (PC or smartphone) which the customer is using to view the store, they either would be redirected to the browser version of the WhatsApp messaging media or to the app version. The store owner would specify the phone number of the receiver and the initial message sent to the receiver via the plugin’s configuration page.

This module can be used in web mode running Whatsapp web or from the cell phone directly executing the WhatsApp application.

URL: https://hypernop.com/contact-store-via-whatsapp-plugin