
I'm trying to track the changes made to an entity of my plugin, however I'm getting null when I use the method LoadOriginalCopy() of the DbContextExtensions class.

The method (Nop.Data/Extensions/DbContextExtensions.cs):

public static TEntity LoadOriginalCopy<TEntity>(this IDbContext context, TEntity entity) where TEntity : BaseEntity
  return LoadEntityCopy(context, entity, entityEntry => entityEntry.OriginalValues);

private static TEntity LoadEntityCopy<TEntity>(IDbContext context, TEntity entity, Func<EntityEntry<TEntity>, PropertyValues> getValuesFunction) where TEntity : BaseEntity
  if (context == null)
  throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

  //try to get the EF database context
  if (!(context is DbContext dbContext))
  throw new InvalidOperationException("Context does not support operation");

  //try to get the entity tracking object
  var entityEntry = dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries<TEntity>().FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Entity == entity);
  if (entityEntry == null)
  return null;

  //get a copy of the entity
  var entityCopy = getValuesFunction(entityEntry)?.ToObject() as TEntity;

  return entityCopy;

This is how I'm calling the method from some controller in my plugin:

  MyEntity entity = model.ToEntity<MyEntity >();
  entity .CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

  //Get original values
   var originalValues = _dbContext.LoadOriginalCopy(entity);

where _dbContext refers to my plugin's own dbcontext:

public class PluginObjectContext : DbContext, IDbContext { ... }

and it's registered in the DependencyRegistrar class as below:


Could anyone help me figure out how to make this work?