
I´ve found a bug in the Payment- and Shippingmethods.

1. Frontend
2. Adminsection

- When you switch the language on the frontend at the payment and shipping methods you will see the text which is activated in the admin section

- When you add new payment methods e.g. credit card  for another language the text will be the same for all languages. This issue is caused by the language selection on the adminsite which is missing. When you add a new payment method for the new language e.g. credit card and activate it both the english and the 2. language will be visible. You can resolve this by deactivating one of the languages but the text will be the same for all languages.

- Next the activation property in the shipping methods is not existent, so you can only take one text for all languages.

- The selection for the Language-Settings is missing - and this is the main problem

- Go to Config -> Payment -> Paymentmethods

- You see now which methods are active

- If we would have a language selection we could add and activate payment and shipping methods for each language

I´d be glad if someone could post a practical solution here. [In work. I´ll post a soulution when finished]