Where is the folder root of nop?

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3 anos atrás
hi, I have to upload throught FTP a file for the homepage (file name: myfile.asp)
I need I can view it here:
www . mysite . com /myfile.asp
I have FTP access but I don't know where is the fit path to upload this file
Anyone could please help me ?


In /themes/Lighthouse/ there are some files and folders but I don't know where I could put this file
Also in /Views/ same thing
3 anos atrás
In general, ASP.Net will not correctly interpret classic ASP files.   (ASP.NET Core controllers use routing to map URLs to actions)
3 anos atrás
Hi I'd like to run classic asp files on nop.
Only to connect to remote database of old site and do a url 301 redirect.

Is it possible?

Because otherwise I don't know how to do with 301 redirect of URL they come from Google on old product details and product lists
3 anos atrás

You probably need to use some redirection process outside of nopCommerce
Alternatively you can setup a plugin with definitions stored then search the definitions to catch the product URLs that do not exist in nopCommerce and redirect to the external site
3 anos atrás
Yidna wrote:

You probably need to use some redirection process outside of nopCommerce
Alternatively you can setup a plugin with definitions stored then search the definitions to catch the product URLs that do not exist in nopCommerce and redirect to the external site

Hi, I have an excel document (who can be imported in a nop DB table) where I have the old product url and the new site product url


/detail.asp?code=123456   |    /wonderful-item-for-sale

is there a plugin where i can give the old link and new link and when a person arrives on a asp classic page, will be redirected to the new url ?
3 anos atrás
I searched the Marketplace
there seems to be a couple although I have not used any so I dont know anything more than that

i.e. https://www.nopcommerce.com/en/easy-url-redirection
3 anos atrás
Thanks, sorry I posted 2 posts without reading the answer
3 anos atrás
emitest2020 wrote:


/detail.asp?code=123456   |    /wonderful-item-for-sale

is there a plugin where i can give the old link and new link and when a person arrives on a asp classic page, will be redirected to the new url ?

Have a look at how the "BackwardCompatibilityXXControllers" work in Nop.Web/Controllers and "BackwardCompatibilityXXRouteProviders" in Nop.Web/Infrastructure/.

You could create your own that routes on the old product "code" ID.


    public partial class BackwardCompatibilityASPController : BasePublicController
        #region Fields
        private readonly IProductService _productService;
        private readonly IUrlRecordService _urlRecordService;


        #region Ctor

        public BackwardCompatibilityASPController(          
            IProductService productService,          
            IUrlRecordService urlRecordService)
            _productService = productService;          
            _urlRecordService = urlRecordService;          

        public virtual IActionResult RedirectProduct(string code, bool idIncludesSename = true)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code))
                return RedirectToRoutePermanent("Homepage");
            //we can't use dash in MVC, and parse out dangerous querystrings
            var productId = idIncludesSename
                ? int.TryParse(code.Split(new[] { '-' })[0], out var numValue1) ? numValue1 : 0
                : int.TryParse(code, out var numValue2) ? numValue2 : 0;            

            if (productId == 0)
                return RedirectToRoutePermanent("Homepage");

            var product = _productService.GetProductById(productId);
            if (product == null || !product.Published)
                return RedirectToRoutePermanent("PageNotFound");

            return RedirectToRoutePermanent("Product", new { SeName = _urlRecordService.GetSeName(product) });


    public partial class RedirectFromASP : IRouteProvider
        public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routeBuilder)
            routeBuilder.MapRoute("", "/detail.asp",
                new { controller = "BackwardCompatibilityASP", action = "RedirectProduct" });

        public int Priority => 1000;
3 anos atrás
ok thanks
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