Best ways to get feedback from your customer

customer feedback

For any business, customer feedback is paramount for knowing your customer’s needs and expectations. In order to be successful in your business, you must listen to your customers. The feedback from your customer is very valuable information that can help you improve your product and services. Asking for a feedback from your customer helps you build strong relationships and increase customer satisfaction.

Bill Gates said – “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

At the end of the day, the only reason your business is able to survive in the market is because of your customers. So, you better listen to your customer who pays you for your product and services. Let us discuss some easy ways by which you can gather feedback from your customer:

Contact us form

Make sure, your have a working “Contact Us” form that is easily accessible (or visible) on your website. This simple form allows your customer to get in touch with you to get more information about your product / services, complain about your product or simply tell you how great your product is. By adding a “Contact us” page on your website, you can prove to your potential customer that you are real and running a trusted business.

Conduct survey

One of the most effective ways to get your customer’s feedback is to conduct survey. You can simply ask your customers to take a survey on your website (if you have that functionality) or use 3rd party tools like survey monkey or other SurveyMonkey alternatives. Survey is a great way to track your performance as a business. You can ask your customers to provide feedback regarding their experience with your company, customer service or if they are happy with your product. This gives you a great opportunity to improve your performance in order to make your customers happy.

In order to ensure the highest response rate for your surveys, you can do the following:

  • Keep the number of questions limited because too many questions can overwhelm your customer
  • Sending out a survey right after a sale is a great way to show to your customer that their feedback is valuable and you are dedicated in improving your product or services
  • You can offer an incentive for survey participation like discount coupon or a lucky draw

Product reviews

Product reviews can be a very important factor for your customers in making a decision to buy a product from your online store. It is important to decide the placement of customer reviews on the product page so that people can easily see them. According to a survey conducted by Dimensional Research, 90% of shoppers claimed that positive online reviews influenced their buying decisions, while 86% of the shoppers claimed that their buying decisions were influenced by negative online reviews.

Monitor website activity

A lot of people overlook this option but tracking your customer’s activity on the website is also a form of feedback. Google Analytics is a free tool that lets you monitor website activity. By tracking your customer’s activity, you can see how much traffic you are actually getting on your website, how much time visitors spend on your website pages, how many users are actually adding products in the shopping cart and how much revenue your online store is generating. Based on this feedback (or information), you can focus on different areas to improve your online store site.

Discussion board / Forums

Discussion board (or forums) can be used to provide your customers an easy way to get in touch with you and to provide feedback. You can use discussion board to make announcements for new products and answer questions in regard to your products or services. Discussion board helps you to make a good relationship with yours customers as it gives them a reason to come back on your website while looking for information, advice or to even complain about your product. With all these conversations happening on your discussion board, potential customers who are interested in buying from you see that how you are interacting with your customers and dedicated in doing business with them.


Customer satisfaction is the key to a successful business. Never assume that you know what your customers want. In order to be successful, try to follow a customer-oriented philosophy in which you ask your customer’s feedback and then act on it.

nopCommerce supports news, blog, forums, polls and product reviews and ratings which allows asking for feedback on products that gives customers a voice and lets others know what people think about your products. nopCommerce also supports review helpfulness feature (“Was this review helpful for you?”).

Author: Lavish Kumar

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21.10.2014 0:20
Nice article, Lavish!