Google WebMasters & login?redirectURL

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8 лет назад
Looks like guest access is disabled in your stores. Go to admin area > configuration > ACL > ensure that "Guests" role has "Public store. Allow navigation" permission
8 лет назад
Thank you Andrei for your reply, but unfortunately i have already check it.
There in ACL it happens something strange, i have 4 entries of the same rule as you can see in my attached file.
8 лет назад
Nobody have ever face something like this?
8 лет назад
Help please!!It's a very important issue!
8 лет назад
I tried quite a few things - none of them worked until I compared DB copies with my current DB and a fresh DB.

For some reason the entry in Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping for the account '' was missing.

adding the record solved it for me:
  insert into [Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping] values ( 2, 4 )
3 года назад
Yo lo que hice fue buscar los customers con el campos IsSystemAccount y borre los registros ya que en una copia anterior no los tenia, igual puede revisar. El mio no estaba relacionado a ninguna.
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