Generic routing

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1 năm cách đây
In nopcommerce 4.6 I need to implement slug in a new plugin. I implemented slug when created new items but when I am trying to access the item using slug it is not working. how can I implement it((generic route event) in nopcomnmerce plugin?
1 năm cách đây
using this event subscriber admin site slug working

public class RoutingEventConsumer : IConsumer<GenericRoutingEvent>
        public Task HandleEventAsync(GenericRoutingEvent eventMessage)
            var values = eventMessage.RouteValues;
            var urlRecord = eventMessage.UrlRecord;
            if (urlRecord.EntityName.Equals(nameof(Person), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                values[NopRoutingDefaults.RouteValue.Controller] = "Person";
                values[NopRoutingDefaults.RouteValue.Action] = "PersonDetails";
                values[NopRoutingDefaults.RouteValue.SeName] = urlRecord.Slug;
                values["area"] = "Admin";
                values["id"] = urlRecord.EntityId;
            /*eventMessage.Handled = true;*/
            return Task.CompletedTask;
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