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5 年 前
v1 of recpatcha has been shut down,

I am now locked out of the backend of the website and can't log in,

5 年 前

Log in to your MS-SQL Server Database and fire below query to disable Captcha.. Later you can configure it again from Admin.

UPDATE Setting SET [Value] = 'False' WHERE [Name] = 'captchasettings.enabled'
5 年 前
Thank you for your reply

I have entered the query you suggested and get this message:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'setting'

Any ideas
5 年 前

"Setting" is the name of table in your nopCommerce database. It is a simple SQL Query. Please check again and send me a snapshot of your nopCommerce tables if it does not work this time.

Thank you,
5 年 前
Hi I have done that again

1 row affected is the message I get,

recaptcha still appears on the site?
5 年 前
Atul was a great help in fixing this issue!!
5 年 前
Hello Jason,

Thank you for appreciating our help. I enjoyed helping you as well.. Good day
5 年 前

Just to help here because looking at this post, few other customers came to us asking for help so I am posting here..

UPDATE Setting SET [Value] = 'False' WHERE [Name] = 'captchasettings.enabled';
UPDATE Setting SET [Value] = 'False' WHERE [Name] = 'captchasettings.showonloginpage';
UPDATE Setting SET [Value] = 'False' WHERE [Name] = 'captchasettings.showonregistrationpage';
UPDATE Setting SET [Value] = 'False' WHERE [Name] = 'captchasettings.showoncontactuspage';

Open your MS-SQL Server Management Studio then go to your nopCommerce database. Run above four queries one by one and restart your website from IIS on your server.
This would disable captcha on Login, Registration and Contact us pages. After that you can login to your website and make changes to Captcha settings as needed
5 年 前
I want to add reCaptcha to the checkout page. [reCaptcha validation before clicking a Submit order button]
May I know if anyone has done it before or which file I should look into?
5 年 前
<div class="captcha-box">
   <nop-captcha />

I added it to \Views\Checkout\OnePageCheckout, and it appears at the checkout page.
However, the order can still be submitted without validating the reCaptcha.
Please advise!
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