Slow response with plugins and cart

7 months ago
We have 36 version stores up and running smoothly until some issues run-up. Unable to identify why product ribbons and cart pages are taking 7 seconds to load and what the root cause for this. Please do let me know the steps that you have performed if you have faced this issue prior and the steps to identify the root issue.
7 months ago
Hi there,

There are many things that can affect your store performance. I will list down few of them.

1. Check store warnings
2. Rebuild your DB indexes
3. Check static content compression (CSS, Javascripts, Images bundling, Image optimization)
4. Check recent code or customization has affected this
5. If Catalog size is huge it might also affect performance. You might want to optimize performance by adding NoSQL (This is time consuming and costly)
6. Add monitoring tool (example Dynatrace,  Newrelic etc)
7. If no code changes made and DB reindexes are not helping please check with your hosting provider.

Hope this helps. If you still have any questions please feel free to contact us. Thanks
7 months ago
skande wrote:
We have 36 version stores up and running smoothly until some issues run-up. Unable to identify why product ribbons and cart pages are taking 7 seconds to load and what the root cause for this. Please do let me know the steps that you have performed if you have faced this issue prior and the steps to identify the root issue.

By default, Cart pages should not take time. if the product ribbon is a third-party plugin then contact the vendor. We also face some performance issues for the product ribbon at productbox on our site(, by implementing some caching resolve the issue.
7 months ago
skande wrote:
We have 36 version stores up and running smoothly until some issues run-up. Unable to identify why product ribbons and cart pages are taking 7 seconds to load and what the root cause for this. Please do let me know the steps that you have performed if you have faced this issue prior and the steps to identify the root issue.

From our experience:

1. Do you use shared hosting or VPS? If shared hosting, then go for VPS. nopCommerce requires a lot of RAM, you have to have enough RAM memory and good CPU. I don't recommend you using shared hostings like SmarterASP PeopleHosting and WinServe and such shared hostings, because they used to hide information about the important limits like RAM and ApplicationPools limitaions and it may confuse users.

2. Where do you store your images? If in DB, then better change it to file-system.

3. Get rid of all plugins and widgets you are not using and you are not going to be using.

4. Also, go to your settings and attentively check all configurations and configure it according to your using experience, means disable all features you DO NOT use.