HttpPost not working for public controller

6 months ago

I am building a new page which should go to the public site, not admin.
I can make it work with method="get" but with method="post" i will always get
"Page Not Found"

This is my form:

@model Nop.Plugin.Admin.ComplaintSystem.Models.ComplaintSearchModel
<form asp-controller="ComplaintPublic" asp-action="CreateOrUpdateUserComplaint" id="frmComplaintPublic" method="post">
    <nop-antiforgery-token />
    <input type="submit" name="test" value="Test" />

This is my action method:

public class ComplaintPublicController : BasePluginController
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateOrUpdateUserComplaintAsync(ComplaintSearchModel complaintSearchModel)

I have this in my RouteProvider:

public void RegisterRoutes(IEndpointRouteBuilder endpointRouteBuilder)
                            new { controller = "ComplaintPublic", action = "CreateOrUpdateUserComplaintAsync" }


Can anyone point me to what is wrong here?
6 months ago
Just check how this is done in one of our plugins (e.g. Tax.Avalara).
6 months ago
RomanovM wrote:
Just check how this is done in one of our plugins (e.g. Tax.Avalara).

In the Tax.Avalara i dont see any forms with method="post" being submitted which will send a model to the controller.