Installation of mobile app nopcommerce plugin

5 months ago

Not sure if there's a separate discussion board or forum for mobile app questions?

Anyway, when installing the plugin Misc.NopMobileApp (so the following is in plugins.json):
  "PluginNamesToInstall": [
      "Item1": "Misc.NopMobileApp",
      "Item2": "91550336-715f-4adb-8250-c3e90ef2760b"

I'm getting the following error.
System.Exception: 'Unable to load one or more of the requested types.
Could not load type 'Nop.Plugin.Misc.WebApi.Framework.Models.ConfigurationModel' from assembly 'Nop.Plugin.Misc.WebApi.Framework,

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?


5 months ago
Based on your description, the module "Misc.WebApi.Framework" is missing. To fix the error, copy the folder “Nop.Plugin.Misc.WebApi. Framework" from the archive to the root of the "src\Plugins" folder of your project. Then rebuild the project.

As a result, the “src\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins” folder should contain the following folders:
This is an indicator that you did everything right.
4 months ago
HI Dmitriy,

Thanks for the help. I was able to get it working by copying the folder in as you suggest and this works fine for me as I want to use VS anyway.

The issue I was having was caused by uploading the api plugins and the mobile app plugin through the administration section of the nopcommerce source code version and then installing them. As the plugins don't seem to include the framework, the mobile app plugin wouldn't work. The framework plugin hasn't been compiled in the mobile app download so you can't copy the dll into the correct directory - it may be worth including the compiled version of the framework in the mobile app download for those that don't want to compile it but still want to use VS. Happy to be corrected if I've missed something.

