Installing and running mobile flutter app

5 months ago

When installed and running, the app first points to https://[redacted] for the APIs which has an old version running (v4.60.06 rather than v4.60.08) and so the mobile app will not run (and shows a screen saying to update the version). NopCommerce team, please update the test server so the latest mobile app version can be used.

When running on a localhost version of NopCommerce with the correct API plugins installed, and deploying the mobile app to an Android emulator, there seems to be an error that comes up relating to IconTheme (please see!AtXStiY2AqHHxegaWF5maMGs7xjVyg?e=dbWP86).

Thanks for any help.

The properties of the emulator being used are:
avd.ini.displayname              Standard Device API 30
avd.ini.encoding                 UTF-8
AvdId                            Standard_Device_API_30
disk.dataPartition.size          6442450944
fastboot.forceChosenSnapshotBoot no
fastboot.forceColdBoot           no
fastboot.forceFastBoot           yes
hw.accelerometer                 yes
hw.arc                           false
hw.audioInput                    yes
hw.battery                       yes                   virtualscene                  emulated
hw.cpu.ncore                     4
hw.device.hash2                  MD5:e4b51e86d416e50099cc7830240f1ac1
hw.device.manufacturer           User                   Standard Device
hw.dPad                          no
hw.gps                           yes
hw.gpu.enabled                   yes
hw.gpu.mode                      auto
hw.initialOrientation            Portrait
hw.keyboard                      yes
hw.lcd.density                   480
hw.lcd.height                    1920
hw.lcd.width                     1080
hw.mainKeys                      yes
hw.ramSize                       1536
hw.sdCard                        yes
hw.sensors.orientation           yes
hw.sensors.proximity             yes
hw.trackBall                     no
image.androidVersion.api         30
image.sysdir.1                   system-images\android-30\google_apis\x86\
PlayStore.enabled                false          none            full
showDeviceFrame                  no
skin.dynamic                     yes
skin.path.backup                 _no_skin
tag.display                      Google APIs                           google_apis
vm.heapSize                      256



5 months ago
Hello Matt,

As per my assumption there chance of API's outdated version. To resolve this issue, you should ensure that the test server hosting the API is updated to the latest version.

Additionally, the error related to IconTheme in the Android emulator.

I am sending you the PM so that I can look into the matter in detail.

Thank You  

5 months ago
Hi Matt,

We currently have no plans to update the API version on the test server. This is primarily due to the fact that our application published on the Apple Store and Google Play is configured to work on a test server.

Regarding the error in the Android emulator, please tell us the version of Flutter you are using. We'll test it in our environment to figure out what's going on. I will assume that you are currently using the latest version of Flutter, and the application has not yet been adapted for it. As an alternative, you can downgrade to Flutter 3.10.6. This is the latest stable version on which we conducted tests.
4 months ago
Thanks Dmitriy,

I'm using 3.16.5 (the latest version) so it would be great to understand if you have the same issue when running that with the latest Web API version.

I've also tried using fvm to run it with 3.10.6 and don't seem to be having much luck either so it may be the emulator. When running it through Chrome rather than the emulator, the first page comes up but with errors that stop the images being showed.

I'll continue trying a few things and see if I'm able to get it to work.


4 months ago

So the issue I was having was that the IIS Express bindings for VS weren't setup correctly so the app in an emulator wasn't able to find the APIs.

The mobile app works with the current version of flutter (3.16.5). The problem is that when it doesn't find the API website, then the errors as per my first post occur. The app needs to fail more gracefully, especially for cases where the nopcommerce website is down for any reason.

