When using AllowedQuantities, the 'Add to Cart' button does NOT work.

3 months ago
If you configure a product to have AllowedQuantities, the 'ADD TO CART' button does not add the item to the cart from the home and category pages. It simply acts as a link to the product page and takes you there.

I've searched these forums and haven't found a working solution to this. Has anyone been able to solve this?

3 months ago
What version on nopCommerce ?
Are you using a Theme ?
If yes, as a test you could try and switch back to DefaultClean theme in settings and check if you still have an issue
If there is no problem using DefaultClean then contact the Theme developer for support
3 months ago

It was doing it in v4.6.5 and I just updated to v4.6.6 and it's still doing it. I am using a theme but it has the same behavior in the default theme.

Thanks for your help.
3 months ago
Ok yes it should be giving an error
Or rather there should be a Drop down selector for the quantities
3 months ago

It doesn't appear to be throwing an error, it just redirects you to the product page.

The item does have the desired quantities in the dropdown so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
