Adding hreflang to head section. How to get translated url

2 months ago
I'm trying to update my NopCommerce 4.20 webshop and implement SEO suggestions.
One suggestion is to add `hreflang` links to the header of each page, pointing to the different translated pages.

I implemented the following code in `_Root.Head.cshtml`:

    // Languages for hreflang tags:
    var allLanguages = languageService.GetAllLanguages();
    var segments = webHelper.GetThisPageUrl(false).Split('/');
    var pageUrl = "";
    for (var i = 4; i < segments.Length; i++)
        pageUrl = $"{pageUrl}/{segments[i]}";

    <!-- Show languages -->
    @foreach (var language in allLanguages)
        var hreflang = languageService.GetTwoLetterIsoLanguageName(language).ToLower();
        var url = $"{webHelper.GetStoreLocation()}{hreflang}/{pageUrl}";
        <link rel="alternate" hreflang="@hreflang" href="@url" />

This results in:
  <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="">
  <link rel="alternate" hreflang="nl" href="">

When I'm on the NL-version of the page. Although the EN link is working, the actual URL should be, because I also translated the title and thus the `Search engine friendly page name` is also translated.

How do I get the correct translated URL?
2 months ago
This does not look right
    var pageUrl = "";
    for (var i = 4; i < segments.Length; i++)
        pageUrl = $"{pageUrl}/{segments[i]}";

First, it's outside your next loop, thus the last language's calculated pageUrl will apply to all.
Also, I don't think it's correct because you keep replacing pageUrl in the loop (not ??appending segments??)
  pageUrl = $"{pageUrl}/{segments[i]}";
2 months ago
This plugin adds this tag