Stripe iDEAL Payment by nopStation

Stripe iDEAL Payment by nopStation
iDEAL is a Netherlands-based payment method that allows customers to complete transactions online using their bank credentials.
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Supported versions: 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Created: March 30,2022
Last updated: May 28,2024

iDEAL is an online payment method that lets customers make payments through their bank accounts. As iDEAL is increasingly used to pay energy bills, make donations to charities, buy mobile credits, pay local taxes, traffic fines, etc., having iDEAL support is a vital feature for many online stores.

Stripe iDEAL payment plugin for nopCommerce

If you want to enable iDEAL payment support through Stripe on your online store built on nopCommerce, the nopStation is here with its Stripe iDEAL Payment plugin for nopCommerce. This payment integration plugin lets you enable and configure iDEAL payment through Stripe in just a few clicks. This nopCommerce plugin enables additional features such as seamless, secure payments, refund support, and instant iDEAL payment visibility on bank accounts. Extending iDEAL payment support can help your online store expand payment support and flexibility for customers and increase your sales.

  • No need to register or enroll for the service
  • Seamless and secure payments experience
  • Seamless and secure payments experience
  • iDEAL payment is instantly visible on your bank account statement
  • Supports refund methods
  • Supports multi-stores
  • Easy to install and configure

Add iDEAL support through Stripe with nopStation’s Stripe iDEAL Payment plugin. Please have a look at one of nopStation’s other Stripe payment plugins Stripe Klarna Payment