Assist (Russia) payment module

Assist (Russia) payment module
This payment module allows you to integrate with Assist, providing several payment methods.
Get extension You will be re-directed to the developer's website to download this plugin
Supported versions: 4.40, 4.50
Created: July 13,2021
Last updated: May 31,2024

Having Assist support can be a major selling point for your online store and its users and merchant in Russia. Assist is a famous Russian payment service with extensive backing and market share in the region. With over 20 years of experience in the market, Assist was the 1st electronic payments provider in Russia starting in 1998.

If you want to enable Assist Payment support on your online store using nopCommerce, then nopStation is here with its Assist (Russia) Payment Module plugin for nopCommerce. This payment plugin enables Assist payment support on your storefront in just a few clicks. This plugin also allows fraud protection, conversion growth, and PCI DSS level 1 payment through Assist’s payment service. This lets you extend payment services for customers and merchants in Russian markets.

  • Easy configuration
  • Quick installation
  • A customer is redirected to the secure Assist website to complete the payment
  • PCI compliant