Postcodes4U UK Address Lookup

Postcodes4U UK Address Lookup
5.0 2
Lookup addresses based on UK Postcode
Get extension You will be re-directed to the developer's website to download this plugin
Supported versions: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Created: November 18,2013
Last updated: May 31,2024

Provides an interface to the postcodes4U address lookup service.

Allows customers to enter their postcode and then click on their address from a list of addresses to auto-populate their address information from Royal Mail on the registration and checkout pages.

This extension is free.

Postcodes4U offer 30 free lookup credits on registrations. Credit packages can then be purchased from the postcodes4u website


A demo can be seen on our test sites

NOP 4.7 Test site

NOP 4.6 Test site

NOP 4.5 Test site

NOP 4.4 Test site

NOP 4.3 Test site

NOP 4.2 Test site

For all test sites you will need to select the address country to United Kingdom.

Please note that the Postcodes4U UK Address Lookup is not compatible with nopCommerce stores using a SQL Compact database.

muggeridge 2/24/2014 6:45 AM
Post Code Look up
We have this installed and is proving to be accurate and reliable. From very accomplished team of developers.
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muggeridge 2/24/2014 6:45 AM
Post Code Look up
We have this installed and is proving to be accurate and reliable. From very accomplished team of developers.
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