Getting started. Installing and upgrading nopCommerce.

10 years ago
I don't know how works, but see this post

Check your /bin in root directory on web server - do you see Nop.Admin.dll ?
10 years ago
I am trying to install nopcommerce 3.3 with source code edition on website, not my local computer, because i need to add pages, to fit the situation: main category and sub-category, for example: chair and wood chair

in chair page, i need put on all menu:

in wood chair page, i need to have the left side menu with all check books like other major ecommerce site,

add pages is ok, my local computer is ok, but got big problem to do installation on websites.

first is charge, arvixe charge 75 dollars/month for asp, asp lite is not good because need install iis and sql and others.
second vps is not easy to get help from arvixe support team, for the full source code edition.

is it possible, nopcommerce 3.4 can have some items to add pages in regular edition? or as we say, each topic with different master page, it will be a good help under my situation.
10 years ago
You can't "install" the source code edition on a hosted site.  You install it on your development pc, then use Visual Studio to compile it and publish it.

For faceted search (like the jcpenney example), you set up product attributes, and use a 3rd party plugin/extension  (like Nop Ajax Filters)

If you're looking for less expensive hosting,...
Arvixe also has business class ASP for $35/month
SmarterASP has Semi Dedicated ASP.NET Hosting as low as $30/month.  (I've found that SmarterASP's support is more responsive.)

(P.S. better to post new/separate topics for different issues)
9 years ago
thanks new york, if there is a nopcommerce party in nyc, hope to see you guys as a big are the good coders...

i made it by adding pages under no source code mode, for category and subcategory with different master pages, thanks for some quick help from all guys.

but add codes on nop3.3 is hard, not as regular mvc.... example:

new wood chair page created by search page, just put wood chair as the key word, has the same look as regular category page

it may be very easy in regular MVC, but...
9 years ago
I downloaded nopCommerce_3.30_NoSource, extracted it into a folder in Windows 2008 server with SQL Server 2008 R2 and IIS 7.0. In IIS I added a site and pointed it to the folder where extracted nopCommerce files are; but when I try to browse to this root folder, I get the "HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden" error. I was expecting to get the installation page; Is there any documentation on installation you can point me to? please help. Thanks.

9 years ago
Hello everyone,

I am trying to intsall nopCommerce to my  on a local machine or server. Can anyone tell me what should come in the below fileds :

SQL Server Name

I have selected "Use SQL Server (or SQL Express) database" option.

Please help!!!
9 years ago
l know...thanks for this info

Grosir Kaos Anak
9 years ago
Nice post. Thanks for sharing!

ssh2 server
9 years ago
SChalice wrote:
lol, these are my install notes:

1) create a folder under inetpub\wwwroot
2) launch an archiver with admin permission
3) extract the nopCommerce archive to the newly created folder
4) launch IIS manager and add a new site and point to the newly created folder
5) add a binding for (and without if you want) using your static IP
6) go to the application pool, look for your new site and change the .NET Framework Version to 4.0 (even though technically it is > 4.5x good luck installing it :) )
7) edit the security properties of your newly created folder: right click->properties->security tab
8) add a user named IIS AppPool\"Web Site Name" and give them modify permission
9) launch SQL Server Management Studio
10) go to Security->Logins and add a new login ( IIS APPPOOL\"NAME" )
11) give it a master dbcreator role (just to install the website)
12) afterwards just give it permission to your newly created nopCommerce database

I would really appreciate if you can elaborate on the following points:
7) edit the security properties of your newly created folder
Q: what are the actual settings?

All you need to do is click the Allow->Modify check box. Everything is set to allow except for Full control.

8) add a user named IIS AppPool\"Web Site Name" and give them modify permission
Q: Where exactly is IIS AppPool\"Web Site Name" user created?

right click on your web site file folder and select properties. inetpub\wwwroot\"Web Site Name"
go to the Security tab.
click on Users and select Edit
click the Add button

10) go to Security->Logins and add a new login ( IIS APPPOOL\"NAME" )
Q: Again where is this user created (IIS APPPOOL\"NAME")? What do you mean by “name”?

If your website name is foo then make a User named foo. Important to note the difference between "IIS AppPool" and "IIS APPPOOL". They need to be typed exactly as instructed.

11) give it a master dbcreator role (just to install the website)
12) afterwards just give it permission to your newly created nopCommerce database
Q: Please include more details on the above points.

launch SQL Server Management Studio
right click on your User and select Properties
click on the Server Roles tab
select the dbcreator check box
after you install your website go back and uncheck the dbcreator role and select another role such as processadmin
9 years ago
As per the first FAQ ...

Q. Error Message: "We're sorry, an internal error occurred. Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly..."
A. To find out what went wrong you need to turn off the custom errors mode.
1. Open web.config file
2. Find out the following line <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="RemoteOnly">
3. Replace it with <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="Off">

Also, check Admin > System > Log for any errors.