nopCommerce 3.1 Product Variants

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10 years ago

What is the eqivilent to product variants in nop 3.1? Here is my code:

                    ProductVariant pv = productService.GetProductVariantBySku(_QBItem.Name);
10 years ago
Product p = productService.GetProductBySku(_QBItem.Name);

Find more info here and here
10 years ago
Hi! I just upgraded to 3.1 The only issue I'm having is with my pricing script. I see that there were some changes in regards to product variants but i'm unable to figure it out by looking at the upgrade script. Anyway, here's the query I run in my script:

mssql_query("UPDATE productvariant SET price=$x WHERE gtin='2001'");

I get the following error:  "Invalid object name 'productvariant'."

Can you enlighten me as to what I need to change product variant to please?

10 years ago
Actually...I think you answered my question in your above post. :-) Let me try "Product". Silly me.
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