New more user friendly product/variants logic. Let's discuss

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10 years ago
UPDATE (July 7th): Bundle products support added. Please see changeset 64876d091fff
10 years ago
I have been playing some time with last version from codeplex (with bundle products) and in my opinion, there is a better way to implement product bundle support.

This is a suggestion, nop team will decide if this option is interesting or not.

I see that actual implementation only allow us to asociate a unique product and furthermore, we have to select the option from, for example, a product variant attribute combo box.

In my opinion, I would implement product bundle support on a similar way than simple-grouped products.

- A simple product can be a "Unique product" or "bundle product"
- There will be a new tab on product detail page called "bundled products", similar to new "Associated products" tab, where we can choose which simple-unique products (and quantity) will be part of this new bundle product.
- We can adjust price, weight, etc. of this product manually on now existing product fields.
- When a customer make a purchase of a bundle product, stock will adjust for each product of this bundle product.
- If there is not stock of any simple-unique product that composes this bundle product, the bundle product will ve "out of stock".
- We can add product images like a normal product on product "Pictures" tab.

For example:

We want to sell in a bundle product a pencil, a book and a rubber.

If we buy each product separatelly, each product cost 1€ (3€ in total), but we want to create a bundle product that cost 2€.

We will create a new simple product, select bundle product option and on bundle product tab (using a search form like new assocuiated products tab) we will select the pencil, the book and the rubber. Now, we will set price of this to 2€ and we will add a picture of these 3 products together. When a customer purchases this product, the stock will discount a pencil, a book and a rubber.
If there is not stock of pencils, the store will display "out of stock" until the store owner adds more pencils to the stock.

This is the way that I think that bundle product would be supported.

What do you think?

10 years ago
sabueXo wrote:

All these features (you suggested) are already available and could be configured with the current implementation using product attributes. Configuration of bundles using attributes is very flexible.

With regards to price overrides (cheaper in a bundle), please vote for this work item here
10 years ago
sabueXo wrote:
I have been playing some time with last version from codeplex (with bundle products) and in my opinion, there is a better way to implement product bundle support.

This is a suggestion, nop team will decide if this option is interesting or not.

I see that actual implementation only allow us to asociate a unique product and furthermore, we have to select the option from, for example, a product variant attribute combo box.

In my opinion, I would implement product bundle support on a similar way than simple-grouped products.

- A simple product can be a "Unique product" or "bundle product"
- There will be a new tab on product detail page called "bundled products", similar to new "Associated products" tab, where we can choose which simple-unique products will be part of this new bundle product.
- We can adjust price, weight, etc. of this product manually on now existing product fields.
- When a customer make a purchase of a bundle product, stock will adjust for each product of this bundle product.
- If there is not stock of any simple-unique product that composes this bundle product, the bundle product will ve "out of stock".
- We can add product images like a normal product on product "Pictures" tab.

For example:

We want to sell in a bundle product a pencil, a book and a rubber.

If we buy each product separatelly, each product cost 1€ (3€ in total), but we want to create a bundle product that cost 2€.

We will create a new simple product, select bundle product option and on bundle product tab (using a search form like new assocuiated products tab) we will select the pencil, the book and the rubber. Now, we will set price of this to 2€ and we will add a picture of these 3 products together. When a customer purchases this product, the stock will discount a pencil, a book and a rubber.
If there is not stock of pencils, the store will display "out of stock" until the store owner adds more pencils to the stock.

This is the way that I think that bundle product would be supported.

What do you think?


I agree with this way of product bundle. It is more natural indeed.
10 years ago
a.m. wrote:
All these features (you suggested) are already available and could be configured with the current implementation using product attributes. Configuration of bundles using attributes is very flexible.

With regards to price overrides (cheaper in a bundle), please vote for this work item here

I am trying to create a bundle product of 3 simple products and I am not able to do it, I think that I am little idiot jeje.

How we should to proceed to create a bundle product of 3 products and 2 units of same product in same bundle? (1 pencil, 1 book and 2 rubbers in a bundle)

10 years ago
I think I have mentioned this point earlier in this thread. the fact that a product can be associated only to one grouped product is a major limitation.

a product can be sold alone, in a grouped product or in a one or more bundles. here is an example
Product P1 : Laptop  = 1500 USD
Product P2 : Laptop Case 100 USD
Product P3 : Printer 100 USD
Product P4 : Camera 300 USD

1 - I can sell each separately
2 - I can Sell all in a grouped product
3 - I can sell all in
     Bundle 1 : Laptop + Case + Mouse  : All for 1550 USD
     Bundle 2 : Laptop + Printer + Camera : All for 1700 USD
     Bundle X ......

prices of individual products in the bundle do not matter to the customer but do matter in the bundle creation.
we have to be able to set the product price in a bundle. the total of product prices is the price of the whole bundle and that's the price to pay.

I hope this gets considered by the team.
10 years ago
sorry guys but there is either something wrong with this setup or I am doing something wrong.

I have created a new product

case 1: Type = Simple, Visible individually = unchecked, Template = Simple >>> click the product does not go to details

case 2: Type = Simple , Visible individually = checked , Template = Simple >>> click the product goes to a regular product details view with regular price displayed

case 3: Type = Grouped , Visible individually = unchecked , Template = Grouped >>> click the product does not go to details and price displayed is "From x" just like a grouped product"

case 4: Type = Grouped , Visible individually = checked , Template = Grouped >>> click the product goes to details with products individually available (just like what used to be product variants)

there must be something wrong here and I am a little confused, I am not sure how to create a real bundle at this point...
10 years ago
In my opinnion, the store should will give the possibility of selling products this way (I think that implementing bundle products like I have mentioned on latest post, there will be possible to sell products like this list):

- Simple product. (already done)
- Grouped Product with simple products. (already done)
- Bundle product like a simple product.
- Grouped product with bundle products
- Grouped product with simple products and bundle products mixed.
10 years ago
sch09 wrote:

Wait. Simple-grouped products are not somehow related to bundle products. These are two distinct features! let me summarize:

1. "Simple and grouped products" = "new more user friendly product/variants logic". Now we just don't have product variants. It was a bit confusing for store owners to have one product and one separate product variant. "Grouped" product is a product which could have several "simple" products associated and displayed on one single product details page (previously it was "a product with several variants"). First a store owner will have to create several products with "simple" product type, then he'll create a "grouped" product and assign these "simple" products to this "grouped" product on the "associated products" tab. That's all.

You can also use "Visible individually" property if you don't want some "simple" products which are associated to a "grouped" product have a separate product details page. In this case a customer will be redirected to a parent "grouped" product details page

A "simple" product can have only one parent "grouped" product. Actually the same way in the previous versions, a product variant had only one parent product. So nothing has been changed here. Of course, it's possible to have several "parent" products with some extra coding. But in this case additional mapping table could slow down the system a bit (extra joins). So I just implemented as it was in the previous versions.

A customer will see a separate "add to cart" button for each associated product on a "grouped" product details page. The same about the shopping cart page (separate product records).

2. "Bundle products". Forget about "Simple and grouped products" here. It's another feature. Bundle products in nopCommerce are implemented the same way as in magento (find a brief overview here and here). You can assign (associate) a product variant attribute value to any product. You cannot create a bundle without product attributes. You can manage it on a product variant attribute value details page (that's the only page where we manage bundles). When a customer makes a purchase of a bundle product, stock will adjust for each product of this bundle product. If there is not stock of any simple-unique product that composes this bundle product, the bundle product will be "out of stock". With regards to price overrides (cheaper in a bundle), please vote for this work item here. Also see work item 11576 (but you can simply attach a discount). Any product could be associated to as many product variant attribute values (bundles) as required.

A customer will see one single "add to cart" button for such product on this product details page. The same about the shopping cart page (single product records).
10 years ago
a.m. wrote:
Is it possible to work in saving default attribute values for product attributes? Currently, it is very tedious and counter-productive to enter in the same product attribute values over and over again for products. For example, Shoes that always have sizes 4-13 and can't be copied because they are different brands and only thing that is the same is the sizes. This will save countless hours of catalog maintenance also save money for the store owner (if they are paying for catalog maintenance)
The work item is already here

Thanks Andrei. I hope that this can be worked in for this release.
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