Developer roadmap - 1. Moving to MVC. Your thoughts.

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13 years ago
lakario wrote:
Any reasoning in particular for this outlook? I'm all for it, but I only suggested the incremental switch as a means to ease developers into a changeover. Is it primarily because you'd like to minimize code quality-degradation that would likely accompany disjoint development patterns?

It's worth noting that although the administration area and the customer front-end of nopCommerce come in a single package, they really are essentially separate applications. Really, there isn't any compelling reason that the development of one must hinge on that of the other. Personally, I think it would be interesting to see the development of the storefront and the administration area become entirely decoupled so that they can each be maintained semi-independently of one another, which in turn would open up the door for forked projects like a Silverlight administration area or similar

Maybe, but two separate applications will require store owner to install two applications. It's unacceptable. It will also make impossible to install nopCommerce using WPI (web platform installer).
13 years ago

I have one suggestion.  Put up a Silverlight sticky so this thread can get back on track and those that want to discuss MVC can do so without having the conversation hijacked.
13 years ago
FFS breakskater! Take the friggin' hint I beg you. Nobody on this thread (other than your annoyingly stubborn self) has any interest in pursuing Silverlight as an option. You may have your 10 years experience at being a script kiddie but it's time to get back in your box now. There are people on this site and even on this thread that actually KNOW what they're talking about. Are you calling us ALL wrong? Are you so ignorant as to believe only your opinion is the right one?

You're more than just an annoyance now. You've become the lowest form of pitiful existence on the web - a troll.
13 years ago
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:

Maybe, but two separate applications will require store owner to install two applications. It's unacceptable. It will also make impossible to install nopCommerce using WPI (web platform installer).

Hey Andrei,

WebForms and MVC can run side by side in the same app.

N2 CMS is a good example where they moved the UI to MVC and left the admin as web forms.
13 years ago
winxguru wrote:
FFS breakskater! Take the friggin' hint I beg you. Nobody on this thread (other than your annoyingly stubborn self) has any interest in pursuing Silverlight as an option.

Actually, there are two others (if you have read the other posts) that agree we should move towards Silverlight at least for the admin section. I say do it for parts of nopCommerce, but not all of it.

winxguru wrote:
You may have your 10 years experience at being a script kiddie but it's time to get back in your box now. There are people on this site and even on this thread that actually KNOW what they're talking about. Are you calling us ALL wrong? Are you so ignorant as to believe only your opinion is the right one? You're more than just an annoyance now. You've become the lowest form of pitiful existence on the web - a troll.

Let's not make this personal. We are discussing technology.

I strongly feel Silverlight has a place within nopCommerce. If you disagree do so without being derogatory and personal and list the disadvantages.
13 years ago
I've just created a work item to move admin area to Silverlight. And can go and vote here. Stop discussing Silverlight in this topic!!!
13 years ago
thought wrote:
N2 CMS is a good example where they moved the UI to MVC and left the admin as web forms.

Thanks. It makes sense.
13 years ago
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
I've just created a work item to move admin area to Silverlight. And can go and vote here. Stop discussing Silverlight in this topic!!!

13 years ago
Here's a guy who wants to add videos to poducts!

Silveright would be perfect for streaming product videos! We could also add videos to the forums.

Andrei, I think we should also create a work item for allowing product videos. Maybe I could create that? Would I get a refund for my nopCommerce License for implementing that? =)
13 years ago
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
Maybe, but two separate applications will require store owner to install two applications. It's unacceptable. It will also make impossible to install nopCommerce using WPI (web platform installer).

I suppose I should clarify that my calling them separate applications was really in a more 'metaphorical' than literal sense. I was merely describing them that way as a means to emphasize that they need not be dependent on one another. I don't think they should be two separate physical applications.
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