iPay Payment by nopStation

iPay Payment by nopStation
This plugin allows customers to pay using iPay Payment.
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Versioni supportate: 4.50, 4.70
Data di creazione: marzo 04,2022
Ultimo aggiornamento: giugno 03,2024

iPay is a popular electronic payment platform in Bangladesh that caters to customers and businesses of various scales and demographics. iPay offers secure digital payment, emphasizing security and seamless transactions across Bangladesh.

If you want to integrate iPay payment support on your online store developed using nopCommerce, then nopStation is here with its iPay Payment plugin. This payment plugin for nopCommerce lets you quickly set up iPay payments in just a few clicks. This nopCommerce plugin enables additional features such as real-time direct iPay gateway integration, PCI DSS level 1 security, single-step payment, and multi-store support. With iPay support, online stores in Bangladesh can extend payment support and accessibility for customers across Bangladesh and increase payment flexibility on their storefronts.

  • Direct iPay gateway real-time integration
  • Single step payment process
  • After the order is placed, a iPay gateway popup will appear where the customer needs to just give his/her iPay account(mobile) number
  • Multi-store supported
  • Easy to install and configure

Add iPay support to your online store by getting nopStation’s iPay Payment plugin. Please have a look at one of nopStation's other payment plugins for the Bangladeshi market, Nagad Manual Payment as well for any of your business needs.

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