SSLCommerz Payment by nopStation

SSLCommerz Payment by nopStation
SSLCOMMERZ is the first payment gateway in Bangladesh opening doors for merchants to receive payments on the internet via their online stores.
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Versioni supportate: 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Data di creazione: febbraio 02,2022
Ultimo aggiornamento: giugno 03,2024

SSLCOMMERZ is a popular payment platform in Bangladesh, founded in 2010 with support for over 30 payment methods and schemes. With extensive adoption across businesses and users in Bangladesh, SSLCOMMERZ support is essential for any online business in the region.

SSLCOMMERZ Payment integration plugin for nopCommerce

If you want to enable SSLCOMMERZ integration on your online store developed with nopCommerce, then nopStation is here with its SSLCOMMERZ payment plugin for nopCommerce. This payment plugin lets you quickly set up and configure SSLCOMMERZ payments for your online storefront in just a few simple steps. This nopCommerce plugin comes with additional functionalities such as PCI DSS level 1 compliant payment, support for over 30 payment methods, PSO licensed payments, and EMI payments. With the help of this plugin, you can extend payment support across Bangladesh and extend payment flexibility for customers on your storefront to increase sales and accessibility.

  • Seamless and secure payment experience by connecting you to your bank, without any registration needed
  • Supports Refund methods
  • Receive an immediate confirmation of your Payment
  • Supports multi-stores
  • Easy to install and configure

Enable SSLCOMMERZ payment support for your online store with nopStation’s SSLCOMMERZ Payment plugin for nopCommerce. Don’t forget to have a look at nopStation’s Customer Credit Wallet plugin as well for any of your other business needs.

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