nopCommerce 4.70 is released

1 month ago
a.m. wrote:

Considering that this version doesn't many significant or Enterprise features and it's been delayed for 4 months (usually we release new versions in December), we've decided to release RTM version without the beta. Please also note that we can always release a minor version if some bugs are found.

Wonderful! Thank you so much Andrei, just wanted to ensure that we can start using this version for our customer project upgrades as there are more than 50 projects that were already waiting :)

Have a great weekend! Thank you once again.

Best regards,
1 month ago
Much much awaited release! Thank you so much nopCommerce team!
1 month ago
Congratulations nopCommerce team :)

Thanks for y'll the hard work !
1 month ago
Any reason why PowerBi implementation was scrapped off 4.70? I notice that the issue has been deleted without any explanation.
For your reference:
1 month ago
What happened to the Address, Customer and Vendor attribute services?
1 month ago
There is a Generic IAttributeService class that replaced IAddressAttributeService.
1 month ago
jjcowo wrote:
Any reason why PowerBi implementation was scrapped off 4.70? I notice that the issue has been deleted without any explanation.
For your reference:

It's already implemented. And we plan to release it soon as a separate plugin.
1 month ago
Congratulations nopCommerce team
1 month ago
Congrats on the release. I downloaded the source to check the nugets to see if they were current, most are. One notable exception is the Brevo SDK, seems it's one major version off, you reference 3.x yet 4.x is the latest. Any reason the latest SDK is not implemented?
1 month ago
Great congratulations team :-)