nopCommerce 4.70 is released

1 month ago
Congratulations to the nopCommerce team as well as the entire community.
Expect all our plugins to be released on nopCommerce version 4.7 very soon.
1 month ago
2 suggestions that I consider important:
- Order and customer tables have customization capabilities. The online store owner can create the grid with the information that is most important to him. For example, in orders, my clients often ask me to see the payment method used.
- Another improvement is to implement from scratch a cookie system that makes category options (marketing, analytics, ...).
Thank you and best wishes for continued good work.
1 month ago
Thank you for all the great work! We are excited to see 4.70 in action.

Where do I go to report any issues that may be found?
1 month ago
brandon71 wrote:
Thank you for all the great work! We are excited to see 4.70 in action.

Where do I go to report any issues that may be found?

You should report issues here on nopCommerce Github with steps to reproduce.

Best regards,
2 weeks ago
Thank you nopCommerce Team for such a great upgrade. We are working on a version upgrade project. Once that is done, we will see the difference.
So far it's another milestone by Nop team.

Thank you.
Ritwik Das
Citytech Software Pvt Ltd.

1 week ago

Dear community! We've released a new version - 4.70.1. This is a minor release that is fully compatible with the previous version (4.70.0). So all third-party plugins and themes for 4.70 work for all minor versions (4.70.0-4.70.1).

It contains several bug fixes. The full list of changes in the new version is available in release notes.

Please download the new version here.
1 week ago
When will the Microsoft PowerBI Plugin be released?
1 week ago
jjcowo wrote:
When will the Microsoft PowerBI Plugin be released?

We plan to release it during the next two weeks
1 week ago
Even though 4.70 is released now, will there be another 4.60 release fixing the vulnerabilities documented in it?
1 week ago
geoffk wrote:
Even though 4.70 is released now, will there be another 4.60 release fixing the vulnerabilities documented in it?

No, once there is a higher version released then the fixes and changes are released in that version only.

Best regards,