bKash Gateway Payment by nopStation

bKash Gateway Payment by nopStation
This plugin enables bKash gateway payments.
Get extension You will be re-directed to the developer's website to download this plugin
Supported versions: 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Created: December 09,2019
Last updated: May 28,2024

bKash is the leading mobile financial service (MFS) in Bangladesh. bKash has a majority marketshare in Bangladesh, coupled with extensive payment acceptance support from government institutions, banks, and businesses of all sizes. Having bKash payment support is essential for online stores and companies operating in Bangladesh.

If you want to enable bKash gateway payment support on your nopCommerce-based online store, then nopStation is here with its bKash Payment with Gateway plugin. This payment integration plugin for nopCommerce allows real-time bKash gateway integration into your storefront. This plugin lets you quickly set up single-step payments and a sandbox for added protection. Having bKash payment support gives your store accessibility to customers across Bangladesh and increases sales and usability.

  • Store owners just need to put the configuration credentials information those bKash directly provide
  • Direct bKash gateway real-time integration
  • Single-step payment process
  • After the order is placed, a bKash gateway popup will appear where the customer needs to just give his/her bKash account(mobile) number
  • Support sandbox

Enable bKash payment support on your nopCommerce store with nopStation’s bKash Payment with Gateway plugin. Don’t forget to check out one of nopStation’s class-leading payment plugins for Bangladesh, Upay Payment as well for any of your business needs.