bKash Manual Payment by nopStation

bKash Manual Payment by nopStation
This plugin allows customers to pay using bKash manual transaction.
Get extension You will be re-directed to the developer's website to download this plugin
Supported versions: 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Created: November 26,2021
Last updated: May 31,2024

bKash is the leading mobile financial service (MFS) in Bangladesh. bKash has a majority Marketshare in Bangladesh, coupled with extensive payment acceptance support from the government, banks, and businesses of all sizes. Due to this, having bKash payment support is essential for online stores and companies operating in Bangladesh.

bKash Manual Payment by nopStation

If you want to enable bKash payment support on your online business built on nopCommerce, then nopStation is here with its bKash Manual Payment plugin. This payment plugin for nopCommerce lets you enable bKash manual payment support for your store in just a few clicks. After adding bKash information from the admin panel, you can easily ensure secure bKash payments. bKash payment support for your online business through this plugin lets you extend payment support and accessibility for Bangladeshi merchants and customers.

  • Supports manual transaction for paying to agent, merchant and personal phone number account
  • Can add bKash account from admin configuration
  • Supports phone number validation using regex
  • Multi-store supported

Add bKash payment support to your online business with nopStation’s bKash Manual Payment plugin. Don’t forget to check out one of nopStation’s other payment plugins for Bangladesh, Rocket Manual Payment as well.

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