Quandl exchange rate provider

Quandl exchange rate provider
This plugin allows you to integrate with Quandl, providing currency rate exchanging services.
Get extension You will be re-directed to the developer's website to download this plugin
Supported versions: 4.40, 4.50
Created: July 13,2021
Last updated: May 31,2024

Currency conversion is an essential metric for online businesses and eCommerce. Having fast, accurate, and extensive currency conversion support can be a vital feature for the store to manage sales, revenue, and logistics. Quandl is (now, NASDAQ Data Link) a service that provides currency conversion data.

Suppose you want to enable currency conversion on your online storefront developed using Quandl’s (Nasdaq Data Link) services. In that case, nopStation is here with its Quandl Exchange Rate provider plugin for nopCommerce. This currency conversion plugin lets you enable currency conversions. Quandl’s service, now known as Nasdaq Data Link, provides accurate and up-to-date currency conversion data for your logistics use cases. This plugin can let you manage currency logistics more efficiently and make processing conversions more efficient.

  • Add Quandl as an exchange rate provider
  • Get exchange Rates, Volumes, Futures, and Options from Quandl
  • Easy to install and configure