Ultimate FAQ Plugin by nopStation

Ultimate FAQ Plugin by nopStation
Create simple and effective frequently asked questions with the Ultimate FAQ plugin for nopCommerce website.
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Supported versions: 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Created: July 18,2021
Last updated: May 28,2024

An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section on your online storefront can significantly increase usability and customer support. FAQ sections can be an organic way of resolving customer queries about your products and services and help create a knowledge base about your business.

FAQ plugin for nopCommerce

If you want to enable FAQ functionality on your online store built using nopCommerce, then nopStation is here with its Ultimate FAQ plugin for nopCommerce. This UX & utility plugin for nopCommerce lets you enable and set up an FAQ section on your online store, create FAQ categories, create FAQ posts and assign categories, and add custom CSS as required. A functional FAQ section can help your online store create a robust knowledge base and help your customers resolve their queries effortlessly.

  • Unlimited FAQs, with unlimited tag and category support
  • Create FAQ categories
  • Create FAQ posts and assign categories to them
  • Accordion FAQ layout that will fit any site
  • Insert custom CSS to style your FAQs
  • Multi-store supported

Easily add FAQ functionalities for your online store with nopStation's Ultimate FAQ plugin for nopCommerce. Have a look at one of nopStation’s other excellent utility plugins for nopcommerce, Helpdesk Ticket plugin as well.