LetzPay payment plugin

LetzPay payment plugin
This payment module allows you to integrate with LetzPay. It allows you to accept online payments from your customers.
Get extension You will be re-directed to the developer's website to download this plugin
Supported versions: 4.20
Created: April 20,2020
Last updated: February 10,2021

This payment plugin allows you to integrate with LetzPay Payment Gateway.

Customer can do payment through nopcommerce store.

Accept Payment from cards:

1. Credit Card.
2. Debit Card.
3. Internet Banking.

It Support Multi Store Payment option.

As well as can accept multiple Payment ID of LetzPay gateway for Different stores:
so each store payment can goes to store owner account.

Plugin support feature for Refunds:

1. Complete Refund.
2. Partial Refund Available.

Currently is supports only for 4.20 Version of nop commerce. with this plugin, at time of payment customer will get redirected to Letzpay payment gateway. Once successful payment done, its will redirect back to store with response message from payment gateway.