The current request for action 'Cart' on controller type 'ShoppingCartController' is ambiguous between the following action methods

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9 年 前

I get the next error on some custom code:
The current request for action 'Cart' on controller type 'ShoppingCartController'
is ambiguous between the following action methods:

The idea is that users enter next to the discount coupon code an additional number 'qediscountreference'. For some customers the apply discount works, and other throw a server error.

How can I fix this?


System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult StartCheckout(System.Web.Mvc.FormCollection) on type Nop.Web.Controllers.ShoppingCartController
System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult ApplyDiscountCoupon(System.String, System.String, System.Web.Mvc.FormCollection) on type Nop.Web.Controllers.ShoppingCartController

Code snippet in ShoppingCartController:

        [HttpPost, ActionName("Cart")]
        public ActionResult StartCheckout(FormCollection form)

        [HttpPost, ActionName("Cart")]
        //public ActionResult ApplyDiscountCoupon(string discountcouponcode, FormCollection form)
        [FormValueRequired("applydiscountcouponcode", "qediscountreference")]        
        public ActionResult ApplyDiscountCoupon(string discountcouponcode, string qediscountreference, FormCollection form)

Code snippeter in _DiscountBox.cshtml

        <div class="coupon-code">
            <input name="qediscountreference" type="text" class="discount-coupon-code" />
            <input type="submit" name="applydiscountcouponcode" value="@T("ShoppingCart.DiscountCouponCode.Button")" class="button-2 apply-discount-coupon-code-button" />

9 年 前
I do not see any errors in my development environment. I tried to fix this way so that the call is similar in number of parameters as it was originally. Testing now if this works.

        [HttpPost, ActionName("Cart")]
        //public ActionResult ApplyDiscountCoupon(string discountcouponcode, FormCollection form)
        [FormValueRequired("applydiscountcouponcode", "qediscountreference")]        
        //public ActionResult ApplyDiscountCoupon(string discountcouponcode, string qediscountreference, FormCollection form)
        public ActionResult ApplyDiscountCoupon(string discountcouponcode, FormCollection form)
            var cart = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.ShoppingCartItems
                .Where(sci => sci.ShoppingCartType == ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart)
                .Where(sci => sci.StoreId == _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id)
            //parse and save checkout attributes
            ParseAndSaveCheckoutAttributes(cart, form);
            var model = new ShoppingCartModel();
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(discountcouponcode))
                var discount = _discountService.GetDiscountByCouponCode(discountcouponcode);

                string qediscountreference = form["qediscountreference"];
9 年 前

This seems a IE 8 problem. It throws an internal server error.

I see with F12 that next values are posted:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="itemquantity12776"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="discountcouponcode"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="qediscountreference"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="applydiscountcouponcode"

Coupon toepassen

I can however not install a IE 8 browser on an Windows 8.1 64 bit machine cannot see what that browser posts. Any help appreciated.

9 年 前

I resolved the internal server error by changing. [FormValueRequired("applydiscountcouponcode")] However, still not working in IE8 still not working (according to customer). I am wondering if enctype can cause problem?..although it is supported in IE?


@*we add enctype = "multipart/form-data" because "File upload" attribute control type requries it*@
        using (Html.BeginRouteForm("ShoppingCart", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))

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