A creative and remunerative eCommerce


Working as a creative agency, every day we have to face a huge number of stereotypes about eCommerce. Maybe they deserve a dedicated website for them.

But today we are going to speak about one stereotype which characterizes our working life: can an eCommerce be creative and, meanwhile, sell?

We must also point out that the coexistence between these two completely different concepts seems to be very hard: if an eCommerce sells, it is not creative. But if it is creative, is it able to generate revenue?

Yes. An eCommerce can be both! And you can reach this goal in 3 steps.

The first one: understanding the user.
Subtitle: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” or “You know nothing, Jon Snow”. But here the “ignorance” is your best ally because, when you don’t know, you have no preconceptions. Who is your target? Why does she/he buy online? What is she/he looking for in this experience? Because we’re not just talking about a product or a service: eCommerce is a matter of experience and we have to build the best experience we can imagine.

The second one: let the creativity rules AKA “Every act of creation is first an act of destruction”. Destruction of what? Destruction of useless and boring conceptions about UX and UI: after you have understood your user, it’s time to make “tabula rasa” and start to create.

Is your eCommerce project online? Are you checking day and night every single sell?
So far so good, here it comes the next step: improve and improve. And improve, because “Design, refine and repeat, and keep learning all the way along. It sounds bland and pedestrian, but in fact, it's the reverse”. Now you can understand if your creativity works or not and how you could improve it.

Because yes, you could and you have to do it.

An example from our very last project?

QC Terme: a worldwide Italian player among spa and wellness areas. Because of this, the main point of the project was the relationship among brand, creativity and performance. https://shop.qcterme.com/


To sum up, can an eCommerce be creative and, meanwhile, sell?

You can answer in this way: first shrug your shoulders then smile and say “Yes, of course”.


Author: AQuest is an Italian digital creative agency. The team includes more than 60 people and the structure is made up of vertical business units.
