
Integrate nopCommerce with one of the largest payments providers in the Netherlands.
見積り依頼 この統合はまだ開発されていませんが、当社のソリューションパートナーが開発する準備が整いました。 nopCommerceパートナーは、ウェブ開発の全領域で優れた経験を持っていますが、その能力はnopCommerceチームによって証明されています。

In 2005 Buckaroo started as a Payment Service Provider in the Netherlands. In 2020 Buckaroo also opened an office in Belgium. Buckaroo was the first payment provider that offered iDEAL. The range of payment methods was quickly expanded with SEPA direct debit and credit cards. A few years later, SEPA direct debit and credit cards were added to our services. Buckaroo now offers over 40 payment methods and gift cards. Buckaroo is a strategic payment partner for over 5,000 businesses and organizations that offers solutions for any question concerning payments. Whether it’s about an iDEAL payment in a webshop, a QR payment by smartphone, or the collection of subscription fees by direct debit.

In order to offer customers a wide range of payment methods, Buckaroo partners up with several payment brands, of which iDEAL is the most popular. But certainly not the only one. If you decide to build an internet checkout at Buckaroo, you can choose from over 40 national and international payment methods. Such as credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), postpay (AfterPay, Klarna), and brand-new payment apps (Payconiq).

Buckaroo always strives to offer you the best, fastest, and easiest payment method. And, most importantly, the safest one.