Discount Coupon applied to minimum purchase

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13 лет назад
In NopCom 1.6, is there a way to apply a coupon code discount based on a minimum purchase amount in the shopping cart? In other words, I will give a 5% discount on purchases over $500.

Thanks in advance to anyone having a response!
12 лет назад
Any ideas on this? I've got nopCommerce 2.3. I would like to offer a coupon code that gives $10.00 off a purchase of $50 or more to any customers.

The only option is for customers who have bought in the past. I need it for any customers, including new one. Should be based off of the sub-total amount in the cart.

12 лет назад
Sorry, I haven't gotten a response for version 1.6; and the version you have is using the mvc framework which is an entirely different approach.
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