Nop 2.0 Plugin Support

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12 лет назад
I’m currently looking over Nop 2.0 and reviewing the plugin support more specifically.  I can see how one would expand the Feeds / Taxes / etc but is it possible to write plugins to override the default services (CategoryService, ProductService, etc) via a plugin?

Thanks in advance.
12 лет назад
1. Create a plugin.
2a. Created a new class derived from existing CatagoryService.
2b. Override required method
3a. Create a class that implements IDependencyRegistar.
3b. Set its 'Order' property to 1 (so it's invoved after default dependency registrations)
3c. Register your new class there

P.S. nopCommerce is not released yet. There's even no BETA. So everythhing can be changed till the moment it's released
12 лет назад
Are plugins the preferred method of adding functionality to Nop in v2.x? I had done a lot of custom work in the 1.x versions and want to begin preparing to migrate. I had been looking at using MVC areas, but wanted to find the "best" way to avoid headaches on future upgrades.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

12 лет назад
a.m. wrote:

2b. Override required method

Does it mean the methods are finally made virtual!? YAY! Happy, happy! Yuppie! :D
12 лет назад
Can someone please help with some information about how to create a plugin?
Thank you in advance.
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