how to i work in euros

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12 лет назад
when i put in the product price via - add new product - it is all in dollars.
how do i work only in euros :)
help - tx - xx
12 лет назад
In administration go to> Configuration>Location>Currencies

Change your Primary store currency to Euros and publish if you don't want to have dollars just unpublish.
12 лет назад
Yes - done that - but when i put a price on my products - it comes out in dollar - with a euro sign on it - ugh!
12 лет назад
Did you make Primary exchange currency Euro?
12 лет назад
Follow the instructions as above, and set the Display order as below,
Euro - 1
USD - 2
Pounds - 2
etc etc....
12 лет назад
As stated above - I did that - but my admin. is still all in USD - and when i put in a price for my items - it is still in USD - and when it covers to show on my website - it has converted the USD to Euros - and so the price is not the same but a few euros less - because the USD dollar is less.

There must be somewhere - where I can make the value of USD - the same value as Euros - then it would not matter.
12 лет назад
Hi adelfas,
I had experienced like this before.. When i changed primary currency from US Dollar into Indonesia Rupiah.

If you put in your product price when primary store currency still in US Dollar(By Default),
I think you should re-input product price after you change your primary store currency into Euro.
I think the system will not automatic convert it from US Dollar into Euro.

Hopefully it's work for you. Cheer  :)
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