Service unvailable error code 503

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12 лет назад
Hi, I have just installed nopcommerce on my site and it was working just fine, but just a moment ago it crashed and my website keeps saying
Service Unavailable

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

I use net framework 4.0.30319 and I really dont know whats going on, after a while I can open my homepage again and even the login, or default in administration but when I open anything else it just keeps saying the same message.

P.S. My host has MVC 2 (
12 лет назад
I usually see this error when the websites application pool has been stopped.
Which version of nopCommerce are you using?
You may need to ask your hosting provider about the problem, that way they can search through the server logs and let you know what is failing.

12 лет назад
I'm using nopCommerce 1.90, and my host told me everything is fine with their .net framework
12 лет назад
I've asked my host to check the log.... you can see my site it works fine, then something crashes and my page goes down for an hour or so... thanks
12 лет назад
Were they able to search the logs to see if anything was there in relation to your website. If you provide a date and time when you recieved the 503 error they should be able to do this for you.

A couple of possible causes - from this page (near the bottom):

503.0 - Service unavailable. The request is sent to an application pool that is currently stopped or that is currently disabled. To resolve this issue, make sure that the destination application pool is started. The event log may give information about why the application pool is stopped or disabled.

503.2 - Concurrent request limit exceeded. The appConcurrentRequestLimit property is set to a value that is lower than the current number of concurrent requests. IIS 7.0 does not allow more concurrent requests than the value of the appConcurrentRequestLimit property.

Unfortunantly without further information as to why it is happening (log file entries etc) its going to be quite difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem.

12 лет назад
Ok, I've asked for the logs... i'll give u the info as soon as I have it thks again
12 лет назад
I have the same issue and asked my hosting provider to send me the logs created at the time of the error. This is what they have sent:

12:25 - A worker process with process id of '12780' serving application pool '' has requested a recycle because it reached its private bytes memory limit.

12:28 - A worker process with process id of '20296' serving application pool '' has requested a recycle because it reached its private bytes memory limit.

The Application pool for my site is restricted to 128MB of private memory and 10% of CPU. I don’t know why this is happening? I have to recycle the application pool to make the website work again, but it happens again after a while.
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