Guide To Writing A Plugin?

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12 лет назад
Is there an official guide to writing a plugin for NopCommerce v2 anywhere?
12 лет назад
Yeah i would definitely like to see this aswell. The new plugin system is just waaaaay too hard for mortal ppl.
12 лет назад
Unfortunately, not yet
12 лет назад
Busy writing a Plugin at the moment for V2.0 I will document the steps that I follow to get it working, doesn't look to difficult thus far
12 лет назад
Seank wrote:
Busy writing a Plugin at the moment for V2.0 I will document the steps that I follow to get it working, doesn't look to difficult thus far

Thank you
12 лет назад
I'm also writing a couple of plugins for v2 and was wondering what is the recommended way
to connect to the Database ..from the plugin cs file?

12 лет назад
Hmmm little bit worrying that the new version has been launched, but no one knows how to make a plugin and there are no docs :S
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