attribute value of a product

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12 лет назад
I have added 3 product attributes "Duration" and "price" and "frequency" as drop down.

values of "Duration"- 3 months, 6 months and 1 year
values of "Price"- Rs. 500 , Rs. 1000 , Rs. 1500 , Rs. 2000 , Rs. 2500 etc
values of "Frequency"-1 minute, 5 minute, 10 minute
("frequency":- how often the customer wants to view the purchased product)

this is for 3 months:-
"FREQUENCY"      1 Minute  5 Minute  10 min
"PRICE"               1500  1000  500

Now I want that the price should get multiplied automatically and visible(so that customer can not change it) according to the selection of duration and frequence.
How to set this from admin panel?

[The "Price" attribute can be made as "label" ot "text box"(read only)].

Any suggestion on this? TIA.
12 лет назад
I think you might want to explore the Product Variant for each product. Add additional Product Variant Attributes which can include values that you can view/edit.  A perfect example is in the nopCommerce demo site.  View the 50's Rockabilly Polka Dot Top that comes in several sizes.  The price is not set to change, but if you login as admin and set the prices to vary per 2x 3x 4x, etc you can get an idea as to how to implement it.
Now on another note, the nopCommerce demo site is supposedly on version 2.0.  I can get 2.0 to work perfectly, except the Product Variant Attribute pricing does not work on any 2.0 install that I have tried.  I even upgrade a 1.9 site to 2.0 and still get an entity validation error when I click add to cart for the Rockabilly Pllka dot top. HOWEVER, the feature does work on the demo site!!!!  Any ideas anyone?
12 лет назад
Thanks for your reply, but I want to change the Product Price as the Frequency and Duration changes.

Is there any way to do this on selected index change?
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