
I am trying to build a command line tool that would connect to the nopCommerce database and retrieve some information for synchronization purposes.

However, because I need to extract the default picture url of each product, I would like to be able to use the Nop.Core.dll, Nop.Data.dll and Nop.Services assemblies.

Back in 2.0 Beta, I could easily build a NopObjectContext inside my command-line tool and then access the various DbSet objects that I could use to run LINQ queries on the nopCommerce entities. However, those DbSet objects aren't available in the 2.0 RTM version so I've had to rebuild my own EF model based on the nopCommerce database.

I'm not completely satisfied with that solution and would much better like to use the Nop assemblies and be able to also re-use the nopCommerce services (such as the CatalogService, the PictureService, etc...). However, it seems that those services need to run inside an HTTP context and I haven't been able to find a way to instantiate them from a non-HTTP context.

Is there any recommended way to use the Nop assemblies outside of the NopCommerce web application?

Thanks in advance for your help!
