The entity type TaxRateByCity is not part of the model for the current context.

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12 лет назад
In order to read data from the DB, I have done the following:

1) Added under Core.Domain.SDSharp folder one a TaxRateByCity.cs file
    using Nop.Core;
    namespace SDSharp.Core.Domain.Tax
       public partial class TaxRateByCity : BaseEntity
           public virtual string State { get; set; }
           public virtual string City { get; set; }
           public virtual float Rate { get; set; }

2) Added reference to SDSharp.Core.Domain.Tax on the SDSharpServices.cs file
    using SDSharp.Core.Domain.Tax;

3) Added a variable for the Service
    private readonly IRepository<TaxRateByCity> _taxratebycityRepository;

4) On Constructor I pass a reference of the Services:
         public SDSharpServicecs(IRepository<TaxRateByCity> taxratebycityRepository)
            this._taxratebycityRepository = taxratebycityRepository;

When I run the Shopping Cart, the following code is executed:

        public virtual decimal GetTaxRateByCity(string state, string city)
            var query = from c in _taxratebycityRepository.Table
                        where (c.City == city) && (c.State == state)
                        select c.Rate;

            decimal rate = Convert.ToDecimal(query.FirstOrDefault());
            return rate;

The entity type TaxRateByCity is not part of the model for the current context.

Any idea what am I missing ??
How does the Domain Model get attached to the actual Table?
Notice i do NOT have a PK on that Domain, is this a problem?
12 лет назад
You added a new entity (TaxRateByCity) and want to use it. But default context NopObjectContext doesn't contains this model. You need to create a new implementation of IDbContext. Don't forget to register it in DependencyRegistrar (IRepository<TaxRateByCity> injected into your service should use new IDbContext). I presume that haven't done it. In order to get an idea, have a look Nop.Plugin.Tax.CountryStateZip plugin (it has a custom context - TaxRateObjectContext)
12 лет назад
I thought you create a plugin. But after looking at namespaces, got it. All you need to do is to add a mapping class to 'Nop.Data' assembly. For example, look at \Libraries\Nop.Data\Mapping\Discounts\DiscountMap.cs
12 лет назад
That was it ...i just added the following class and all worked perfectly.

namespace SDSharp.Data.Mapping
    public class TaxRateByCityMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<TaxRateByCity>
        public TaxRateByCityMap()
            this.HasKey(tax => tax.TaxRateID);
            this.Property(tax => tax.State).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(50);
            this.Property(tax => tax.County).IsOptional();
            this.Property(tax => tax.City).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(50);
            this.Property(tax => tax.Rate).IsRequired();

11 лет назад
a.m. wrote:
I thought you create a plugin. But after looking at namespaces, got it. All you need to do is to add a mapping class to 'Nop.Data' assembly. For example, look at \Libraries\Nop.Data\Mapping\Discounts\DiscountMap.cs


I am getting same error but my question is that, If I will not give any Data Mapping class then it will give an error as you say, but In my situation if I give two Data Mapping classes of same name and same entity then will it give an error? Because my situation is this and I can't change/remove unnecessary mapping class from there now.

Please give some advice. Thanks.
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