File permission issue.

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12 лет назад
Hi everybody,

NopCommerce installation instruction requires to change root dir,  web.config and connectionstrings.config file permission. My web site hosting provider ( does not allow to do that ( I was able to change the permission of other dirs as instructed in the user's guide but not for root dir and files under root dir). How is it going to affect my web site performane? Is it going to be a problem at all?
12 лет назад
I have GoDaddy.

What you have to do is create a folder on the root.
Copy the deployed nopCommerce 2.0  folders/files to this created folder.
Edit you folder on root to give read/write permissions including all sub folders.

Make sure your Database has Direct access, if not you'll get an error stating "No Database Instance".

That should do it.

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