Upgarde Web Install 1.9 to 2.0?

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12 лет назад
I know that 2.0 isnt on the web install, and I tried to upgrade today via the source and web version and failed miserably.  (In fact the upgrade scripts deleted everything I had worked on)

I am pretty technical, but kinda lazy at this point and just want a simple solution.  I dont want to do a whole bunch of programming, I just want to manage the inventory and sell some stuff... I am getting too old!

Just FYI I am switching from that Garbage "dashCommerce" and this is SO much better so far.
12 лет назад
Okay I got this... but I changed the "readme.txt" a bit to make more sense.  Add this as #2:

2. Install 2.0 to another directory and website so you can run the install.  This should be the new permanent location

It makes more sense to me this way, but whatever works for you.
12 лет назад
Hey Karma,
I am feeling like you some.  I am usually pretty good at picking this stuff up but am not quite following the install/upgrade process.  I downloaded the 2.0 install files from codeplex, downloaded the 2.0 Upgrade script, backed up my dbase, etc...Now I simply confused at Step #2 of the Readme file.  I then referred to the Deploy.Readme file of the install files but again am not following.  Anby guidance clarification from your experience would be great.

12 лет назад
Just insert my step #2 as the new step #2 and move everything else down.

Basically you are setting up nopCommerce as a totally second site in IIS, running the upgrade from there, and then copying over the 2.0 files.  Does that make sense?
12 лет назад
Not really.  I downloaded the 2.0 install files.  There are two .bat files in there.  Do I need to do anything with those? When I first started working with copCommerce I just used WebMatrix then created sites from there. I'm working from a Windows 7 machine so it looks to be using the personal web site vs. full blown IIS.
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