How to show SKU and manufacture in category!

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12 лет назад
Hello, pleace help junior.

I need to show in tempates/categories/productsinlines1 sku and manufacturers.
How can I do it?
NopCommerce 1.9


P.S I try to insert ProductBox2.aspx:
<div class="sku">
  <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Products.SKU")%> <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="lSKU" />
lSKU.Text = product.ProductVariants[0].SKU;
but sku doesn`t display, any ideas.
12 лет назад
problem solved))
12 лет назад
How did you do it?
12 лет назад

private void BindData()
lSKU.Text = product.ProductVariants[0].SKU;
                if (product.ProductManufacturers.Count > 0)
                    lManufacturerName.Text = product.ProductManufacturers[0].Manufacturer.Name;
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